Sansamp PSA 1.1

Amp Head Capture


northernfox's avatar


18 months ago


Sansamp PSA1.1 - A set of settings as requested on the FB group. I also did a version where I "removed" the cab filter by EQ matching against the plugin version, which doesn't have the cab filter. The hardware itself has no way to remove the filter, so this is the only way to try it without. I also included two IR files to remove the cab from PSA - which you can use instead of the "corrected" version if you want. There is a 100% match to the plugin which includes all the small peaks, and "smoothed" version which is more realistically what an unfiltered version might sound like, since the hardware filter will be smoother. The results can be compared to Nembrini plugin, for which the preset I used can be found here: I adjusted the hardware settings a bit to match the plugin sound as closely as possible. Pre 2.5 Buzz 3 Punch 9.5 Crunch 9.5 Drv 10 Low 4.8 High 7 Level 6 ESR=0.01501 Clarett -> hum eliminator -> Signal Art -> PSA -> Ultra G -> hum eliminator -> clarett @ 12.2 dBu

Makes and Models

Sansamp PSA 1.1


0:00 / 0:00


Each model captures the gear at specific settings.



License: T3K

Users may download and use the data file in software and publish the resulting outputs without royalties or restrictions. However, they may not upload, republish, or distribute the data file without the author's permission.

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