51 Shadows High Gain Captures by ObiJuan

Full Rig / Combo Capture


obijuan's avatar


2 months ago


It's been a while since I made some captures and decided to make a full rig pack with 4 captures with calbiration meta data of the EVH 5150 III with the speaker from the Mesa Boogie DC-5 Combo that has the Black Shadow speaker. I used my Shure SM57 mic on the speaker. This is the first captures I release with the new calibration system in NAM. I think it works very well. I will also have new calibration figure for all my new captures as I'm now using -9.5 db max input with my DI box and Audient Evo 16 interface. In the video I go through the 4 captures trying different boost from the Helix Native. I also have an FX track with Valhalla Supermassive for some delay that I turn on/off during the video. I used both my Harley Benton single cut and my Jackson 7 string. I typically don't make videos of me doodling around on my guitar, but please let me know and I don't mind sharing some of my RAW playing. This is stuff I typically gravite to when trying new amps etc. Things that check palm mutes, chords, leads, chugs, etc.


0:00 / 0:00


Each model captures the gear at specific settings.





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