AA Snapshots - Laney Ironheart+Plexicon
Amp Head Capture

43 days ago
Here's four free snapshots of my Laney Ironheart Loudpedal 60W with Harley Benton Plexicon in front of it. Hope you'll enjoy! Please, feel free to visit my Payhip page for more stuff: https://payhip.com/GianluTallica My suggested cabinet from Seacow Cabs : Ironheart+Plexicon: AC900 - Britone Vintage Modern - Citrus PPC212 Try out also your favourite IR's, rock on! Includes: Ironheart+Plexicon 2 Ironheart+Plexicon 5 Ironheart+Plexicon 7 Ironheart+Plexicon 8
Makes and Models
Laney Ironheart Loudpedal 60W+Harley Benton PlexiconModels
Each model captures the gear at specific settings.
License: T3K
Users may download and use the data file in software and publish the resulting outputs without royalties or restrictions. However, they may not upload, republish, or distribute the data file without the author's permission.