Acoustic Control Corp Model 122 (Vintage 70's Amp)
Full Rig / Combo Capture

4 months ago
This is an old 70's solid state amp that is primarily a bass amp but guitarists have been using these for fuzzy, stoner, doom metal for a long while now. These are hard to come by in the UK but make good pedal platforms and can be had for not much money. The higher spec models were used by the Melvins, if you see one buy it! Captures are clean, fuzzy and highish gain, full rigs with the stock speaker, mic with SM57. The names of each capture describe the tone rather than list all the EQ & volume settings. The Power Boost was set to Normal and the Bright Switch is only engaged for one of the clean captures. The 5 band EQ sliders were all pushed up slightly to boost the volume. Information:- Reamp Box: Palmer Trave Interface: Universal Audio Volt 2 DAW: Reaper Trainer: Tone Zone 3000 Models: Feather Epochs: 1000
Makes and Models
Acoustic Control Corp Model 122Preview
Each model captures the gear at specific settings.
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