A/DA MP-1 - 3 Tube Mod
Outboard Capture

2 months ago
A few captures of my A/DA MP-1 3 Tube Mod Rack, I ran every model for 200 epochs and the parameters for each model is as follows: CleanSS - Solid State Clean Mode Drive 1 > 4.0 Drive 2 (Compression) > 2.0 Master Gain > 7.0 Bass > 4 Mid > -4 Treble > 2 Presence > 2 OD1 - Tube Overdrive Mode Drive 1 > 4.0 Drive 2 > 6.0 Master Gain > 8.0 Bass > 2 Mid > -4 Treble > 4 Presence > -2 OD2 - Tube Overdrive Mode Drive 1 > 4.4 Drive 2 > 6.5 Master Gain > 7.5 Bass > 4 Mid > -4 Treble > 4 Presence > -4 MOD1 - 3TM Mod Mode Drive 1 > 9.0 Drive 2 > 3.0 Master Gain > 9.0 Bass > -4 Mid > -2 Treble > 0 Presence > 0 A normal MP-1 Rack unit has 3 voicing options: Clean Solid State, Clean Tube and Overdrive while the 3 Tube Modded version replaces the Clean Tube voicing for another distortion voicing which is very high gain. Hope you all enjoy!
Makes and Models
A/DA MP-1 - 3 Tube ModPreview
Each model captures the gear at specific settings.
License: T3K
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