Avalon VT737 for Bass Guitar (0.5.2)
Amp Head Capture

22 months ago
Arlington Audio - Neural Amp Modeler pack ------------------------------------------ Avalon VT 737 - Bass Guitar settings The amount of artists that have used this channel strip is quite intense. If I were to list all of the big names that have tracked through it, this would be a HUGE description but let's put it this way; Every great studio has at least one and for a good reason too. The Avalon VT737 is one of the most versatile and gorgeous sounding channel strips. When I got mine, installed it into my FX rack and tried it out, I was floored. The only way to describe its sound is; beautiful. What we have here are my favourite settings for Bass guitar as well as a few thinner high frequency variants. The intent was to capture an entire library for this unit but it just can't be pushed into overdrive in a way that works for bass so this one stays short and sweet. No cab is needed for this one though you might want to high pass it to taste. If you are familiar with these units, you might notice that mine looks odd. It's an original release version that was internally updated to the SP model. The only difference between the two versions is the mic preamp transformer and the purple labelling and knobs. Technical details: Captures: 3 @ 1000 Epochs per capture. Preamp: Avalon VT 737 Channels: Normal / Saturation Peak: ~3.5db (average) Load Box: Suhr Reactive Load Interface: RME Fireface UFXII Reamp Box: Radial Pro RMP (Level modified) Referenced with Event Opal monitors and Sonarworks One more time for the sake of accuracy: Stuff people have requested: -10dBFS sine tone at 400Hz from DAW -> AC RMS reading of **2.15v** at the 1/4" plug after reamp box. 10^(-10/20) = 0.3162 **2.15**/0.3162 = 6.799 20log(6.799/0.775) = **18.86 dBu** If your interface has 12dBu instrument inputs: 18.86-12 = 6.86, you have to LOWER the input in NAM Plugin to -6.86 dB for the capture to sound correct. While I offer my libraries for free, donations would be appreciated and will go towards expanding this library 馃ス https://paypal.me/arlingtonaudio 馃ス The Bass on the linked video uses this capture.
Makes and Models
Avalon VT737Preview
Each model captures the gear at specific settings.
License: T3K
Users may download and use the data file in software and publish the resulting outputs without royalties or restrictions. However, they may not upload, republish, or distribute the data file without the author's permission.