BMR - Orange Micro Dark Sweetspots
Amp Head Capture

22 months ago
My personal sweet spots on my Orange Micro Dark. Some captures include an Analog Man Mod Ibanez TS808. Tube was swapped out for an EHX 12ax7. Includes 2 AltRock tones, Clean(ish), Crunch, High Noon, Dimed, and for fans of Beartooth-- I've dialed in the Aggressive album tone with the TS808 in the path, along with a hardcore tooth-ish tone without the pedal so you can add one of your choosing before it if you'd like. 500 epochs each. All my captures are made by dialing the tone in with guitars running through the exact same signal path that the capture is done through, so things *should* sound exactly how I heard them when dialing them in through my control room. The only knob you may need to mess with (if at all) is the Input knob in NAM. Please don’t contact me asking about specific voltages, levels, what brand of cables I used, the percentage of humidity in the room at the time of capture, what time the sun set this evening, etc. as it doesn’t matter to my ear so long as the sounds are dialed in consistently between “playthrough” and “capture”. The only thing I will say to consider is to shoot for -10db in your DAW, but depending on guitar you may need to range between -8 and -12.
Makes and Models
Orange Micro DarkPreview
Each model captures the gear at specific settings.
License: T3K
Users may download and use the data file in software and publish the resulting outputs without royalties or restrictions. However, they may not upload, republish, or distribute the data file without the author's permission.