Bogner Ubermetal Blue Pack
Amp Head Capture

22 months ago
Here is another extreme metal inspired amp pack. Another easy to use no-nonsense pack. Not a full rig so you'll need to add your own IRs. I used a Carvin 7 string with active pups and a cab with V30s and 70th Anny's for reference. Oh and this capture was done with a DI via the Nux Solid Studio..... no loadbox. Bogner Ubershall Rev Blue - high gain channel dialed in to crush Bogner Ubershall Rev Blue Brutal Drive - high gain channel of the Uber with an Airis Effects Brutal Drive in front Bogner Ubershall Rev Blue Fortin33 - high gain channel of the Uber with a Fortin 33 overdrive in front Bogner Ubershall Rev Blue Klon - high gain channel of the Uber with a Klon overdrive in front Bogner Ubershall Rev Blue MudKiller - high gain channel of the Uber with a Mud Killer overdrive in front
Makes and Models
Bogner Ubershall Rev BluePreview
Each model captures the gear at specific settings.
License: T3K
Users may download and use the data file in software and publish the resulting outputs without royalties or restrictions. However, they may not upload, republish, or distribute the data file without the author's permission.