Crate GLX15 1x8

IR Capture


scharrface's avatar


11 months ago


Crate GLX15 combo with a 4 ohm 8 inch SLM speaker, mic'd with a 57 and a 7B. No fx loop? No speaker input? No problem! IRs recorded straight into the clean channel. What can I say? It's a shitty little crate amp with a shitty little speaker in it! I know there are a lot of other much better options here, but fuck it, why not use this instead? Take the nostalgia train back to those 2003 bedroom jams before you knew anything about guitar tone. It's a can of bees. It's a buzz saw. It's a Crate!

Makes and Models

Crate GLX15


0:00 / 0:00


Each model captures the gear at specific settings.

License: T3K

Users may download and use the data file in software and publish the resulting outputs without royalties or restrictions. However, they may not upload, republish, or distribute the data file without the author's permission.

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