Dual Rec MW Featuring Dirty (xmas) Tree - Full Rig
Full Rig / Combo Capture

14 months ago
Here is a full rig model of my Dual Rectifier and Pepers Pedals Dirty Tree. IR and EQ settings are screenshotted in the video. This should be close to mix ready, but it might need some bass cut or do some multi band comp on the lows. The mud is already cut out for you. Merry Christmas :D Recording Info: Amp: Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier Multi Watt (2015) - JJ 6L6GC biased at about 22mA - Mesa 12AX7-R PreAmp Tubes. Boost: Pepers Dirty Tree (DT Mode) Recording Gear: Focusrite Clarett 2pre, Signal Art ReAmp Box Calibration: roughly +14dBu
Makes and Models
Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier Multi Watt, Pepers Pedals Dirty TreePreview
0:00 / 0:00
Each model captures the gear at specific settings.
License: T3K
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