EVH 5150 III Red MAX MIDS Pack HD 96kHz
Amp Head Capture

14 months ago
I received a request to make my EVH MAX MIDS pack found here: https://tonehunt.org/obi-Juan/b5313a0e-afe7-4e79-91d3-a0f75f95c428 using the experimental trainer that automatically resamples your 48kHz recordings to HD 96kHz Here is more info on the trainer: https://github.com/honkkis/neural-amp-modeler-HD Just load up in regular NAM player with your 96kHz project. Seems to get rid of aliasing according to the coder. I'm not too technical myself on this, but I was able to train and test and sounded and felt really good. f you guys like what I do, please don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel, comment and like. I appreciate being a part of the NAM community. Chain Details: Epoch: Standard 1000 Reamp box: Radial Reamp Pro-RMP (Modded for unity gain) Load box: Suhr Reactive Load Reamp Reference Level: 13.3 dBu Interface: Focusrite Clarret+ 4pre I do this because I enjoy it and found a good group in the NAM community, but if you insist on donating then: PayPal.Me/theobijuan 馃榾
Makes and Models
EVH 5150 Red ChannelPreview
Each model captures the gear at specific settings.
License: T3K
Users may download and use the data file in software and publish the resulting outputs without royalties or restrictions. However, they may not upload, republish, or distribute the data file without the author's permission.