EVH (Van Halen) Brown sound
Amp Head Capture
23 months ago
Egnater Tweaker 15 British mode, vintage on clean on bright on deep on , with a Boss GE7 before the amp input increasing the mids. Master, treble, middle , bass and gain all the way up. Voltage lowered at 189 V (in Spain normal Voltage is 230 V). The signal chain for the video sound is: Guitar, flanger , phaser, Eventide H9 tape delay 324 ms, Boss GE7, Egnater Amp , Torpedo two notes Wall of sound with 4x12 Celestion Greenbacks, two shure sm57, and some Enhacer. In the mix guitar is panned left, and guitar reverb is panned right. Obviously the profile is just the Boss equalizer plus the Egnater amp. Hope you'll enjoy it...!!!
Makes and Models
Egnater Tweaker 15 plus Boss Ge7Preview
Each model captures the gear at specific settings.
License: T3K
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