HB American Sound + JCM800 poweramp
Amp Head Capture

20 months ago
The American Sound pedal is supposed to mimic a Fender (pre-)amp, Fender-in-a-box sort of pedal. For experimenting and fun I tried to capture it through my JCM800 poweramp section. The model turned out as a pretty good Fender-like clean/edge of breakup sound in my opinion. I used my Stratocaster and York Audio G12M-65 Creamback IR to dial it in to get a cleanish/breakup tone depending on pickup output and playing style. It does pretty good with a boostpedal in front as well. I've added 2 models, just the pedal+poweramp and the pedal+poweramp+G12M-65 cab IR baked in already (full rig style). Indication of sound using a Stratocaster: https://soundcloud.com/jesco-83561539/test-americansound Interface: Motu M4 Reampbox: Palmer Daccapo Loadbox: Two Notes Captor (EQ correction to Suhr reactive load) Reamp level: 11.4dBu
Makes and Models
Harley Benton American SoundPreview
Each model captures the gear at specific settings.
License: T3K
Users may download and use the data file in software and publish the resulting outputs without royalties or restrictions. However, they may not upload, republish, or distribute the data file without the author's permission.