Hellwin SYN100-H, Dual Rectifier, H&K Puretone 40w, Victory Kraken MK2
Amp Head Capture
1 day ago
To get the best out of these tones, I recommend the following. This is for DAW's only. In your load order for VSTs, do the following: -Set a boost pedal of your choosing on top of your load order in mono as well as a noise gate. -Add the Dimension Expander by Xfer Records, it's free. Adjust size by about 5-10%. Adjust Mix about 30%. -Download the WaveMind NAM Universal Plugin, it's free. Set it in stereo, disable anything but the amp profiler. Load your desired nam profile. -Download or use any IR loader of your choosing. If you need one, download the IR loader by Lancaster Audio. Set your IR loader in stereo. Insert 2 Cabinets of your choice. Pan 1 IR 100% to the left, and the other 100% to the right.IRs I recommend are from Bogren, specifically the Bogren Rhythm IR: Downtuned. Or from OwnHammer, specifically the Low Tuned IRs or the Rectifier IRs. -Any other effects such as reverb and delay add at the end in stereo. However, if you use a pitchshifter or an octaver, always use it on the top of your load order in mono. -For EQ, leave it near the bottom in stereo, set the LPF to about 8.5kHz to 10kHz to remove unwanted hiss and darken the tone. More amps to come.
Each model captures the gear at specific settings.
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