House of Horrors - Escaped Hybrids Pack

Amp Head Capture


gpso's avatar


22 months ago


More Hybrid Monstrosities!! 1/ "Recto Shirley" - What would happen if Emil Rohbe's JP Mesa was left alone in a dark folder with my JCM 800 1959, Sascha's Dirty Shirley and the Arlington Audio Single Rec 50 ??? The original Franenstone's Monster. 2/ "Bride of Frankenstone" - Clean and pretty at first glance but beware of digging deeper. The Dumble ODS, TimR JC120 & Twin and the AC10 all hacked to pieces and sewn back together. 3/ "Hel Rebel Jr III" - The offspring of unholy union. When you leave Helga B's 6534+ and III Red alone with a Valve Jr and a Rebel 20. 4/ "The Gargantuan Spawn of the 13 Gods" - No one knows exactly what happened. No one survived. All we know is it started with Matt van den Ham's video .... "Top 13 High Gain NAM Captures Demo - The Hall of Gods"....... The v1_1_1.wav file was played back through each NAM profile to capture output.wav training files like the original amps. The resulting output.wav files were then time aligned and mixed together in a DAW to get the right balance between amps, and the final blended mix bounced to a new output.wav file which is then used to train the hybrid. It's insane....but IT WORKS! 馃ぃ馃ぃ To duplicate this yourself and create your own monstrosities make sure NAM's Gate is OFF, and make sure the files are aligned and IN PHASE in your DAW. ** These Models are just a proof of concept, a sort of NAM "What if?" I didn't really balance the different amps carefully, just all equally, I also left them all at default settings, no tweaking or EQ was applied. *** The 5 versions of the Recto Shirley are just slightly different file alignments in the DAW to try to optimize phase, I included them so you can hear the differences, or not.


0:00 / 0:00


Each model captures the gear at specific settings.









License: T3K

Users may download and use the data file in software and publish the resulting outputs without royalties or restrictions. However, they may not upload, republish, or distribute the data file without the author's permission.

Use Your Tones

Load NAM models onto a free plugin or pedal.