KvartIR — funny IRs for practice

IR Capture



22 months ago


The story: Neural Amp Modeler wiped out all the plugins I've tried before after the first meeting with it. But the conventional cabinet simulation still seemed weak to me. Once I've plugged NAM without IR directly to my shitbox called Marshall MG15 and... It was better than any of IRs I messed around before — finally, I've got that full and rich tone of guitar amplifier. Shitty, but full and rich. I loved that sound even it was recorded on my phone's camera, so I came up with an obvious question: what if I make an impulse response of that exact cabinet in my room recorded on my phone's microphone? Now I've got that sound by IR and can reach the same feelings in headphones :) Original IR was too roomy/boomy so I've mixed it with couple regular IRs and got three voices: Brighty, Honky and Scoopy. Hope you'll dig it!

Makes and Models

Marshall MG15 in a room


0:00 / 0:00


Each model captures the gear at specific settings.

License: T3K

Users may download and use the data file in software and publish the resulting outputs without royalties or restrictions. However, they may not upload, republish, or distribute the data file without the author's permission.

Use Your Tones

Load NAM models onto a free plugin or pedal.