Marshall 8100 (Chuck Schuldiner settings)

Amp Head Capture


digitalmediaservices's avatar


15 months ago


One of the first few NAMs I made was of a Marshall 8100, but when I did mostly all the controls (minus) the gain were @ 12 o'clock. The other day while at a guitar forum I was linked to a Youtube user video that supposedly had achieved the Chuck Schuldiner tone using only a guitar with a Dimarzio X2n pickup, a marshall 1964 cab with 75 watt celestions, an 8100, and a SM57 to mic the cabinet. I was so impressed with the tone I decided to make another NAM of my 8100 using his suggested settings. That contour knob seems to be the magic here offering a parametric eq like swoop. Here are the settings - "Bass: max (I called an audible here and made the bass 9) Mid: 4 treb: 5 Gain: max contour: 8 Volume: Max Master: 3 Interesting to note, that is also around the same settings supposedly Dimebag Darrel used on the Randall RG100 head - Bass max, mid 4 or 5, treble 5, gain max, presence 5, Master 3-4.

Makes and Models

Marshall Valvstate 8100


0:00 / 0:00


Each model captures the gear at specific settings.


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Users may download and use the data file in software and publish the resulting outputs without royalties or restrictions. However, they may not upload, republish, or distribute the data file without the author's permission.

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