Marshall JTM45 EC

Amp Head Capture


gunr's avatar


24 days ago


A capture of my main amp since more than a decade – a modified Marshall JTM45 RI. The amp was first modified to a 1987 circuit, but still with its 6L6 power tubes. Then a major modification was done by the famous Swedish amp modifier Tommy Folkesson to an early Eternal Classic Mod, essentially a three gain stages preamp circuit with several features and unique solutions. The amp has two two different switchable voicenings. Ch1 is a little bit looser in the bottom end, more bluesy. Ch2 is tighter in the bottom end and more midfocused, perfect for higher gain settings. Solo boost and a fx loop. Ch1 is captured with 367 e, Ch2 with 638 e. Gain settings Ch1 - 7 and Ch2 - 7,5, mv 5. Eq almost straight up. Sounds best with Celestion G12M IR or Neutron. This is my first capture for the great NAM platform so feel free to give me comments and reviews.


0:00 / 0:00


Each model captures the gear at specific settings.

ESR: 0.0043

Epochs: 367

Sweep Signal


Captured on

ESR: 0.0043

Epochs: 779

Sweep Signal


Captured on

License: T3K

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