Mesa Boogie Badlander Rectifier 100W EL34 "Astro Horsey" (13 dBu)
Amp Head Capture

4 months ago
If you like my work & want to support it, you can do so here: Direct profiles (IR required) inspired by Ola Englund's "Starzinger" tone, dialed in as per Ola's settings. One profile has a Tube Scremer engaged; the other profile is just with the amp head without a Tube Screamer in the signal chain. Reamp chain details: • RME Fireface UCX II -> SignalArt reamp box -> Mesa Badlander 100W -> St.Rock React:IR II -> RME Fireface UCX II • Calibrated for 13 dBu • Great video on how to use the calibration (dBu) value: • Key in your input headroom / maximum input gain inside the "Calibrate Input" textbox and the NAM plugin will do all the math to get profiles to behave as if you were plugging into the real gear itself. Uses the standard NAM profile architecture. ESR is great; graphs available here:
Makes and Models
Mesa Boogie Badlander Rectifier 100W EL34Preview
Each model captures the gear at specific settings.
License: T3K
Users may download and use the data file in software and publish the resulting outputs without royalties or restrictions. However, they may not upload, republish, or distribute the data file without the author's permission.