Mesa Dual Rectifier Multiwatt + Ibanez TS9 + Marshall 1960A Eminence DV77
Full Rig / Combo Capture

10 months ago
Model used in A/B Youtube video below Get the full pack here: https://www.patreon.com/StudioAmpCaptures/shop/neural-amp-modeler-nam-80-masa-dr-192492?source=storefront Or here: www.studioampcaptures.bigcartel.com Reamp Level 13 dBu Clarett + Pre Radial JCR Reamp box Morley HumX Mogami Cables Additional shop if needed: studioampcaptures.bigcartel.com
Makes and Models
Mesa Dual Rectifier Multiwatt Blacked out VersionLicense: T3K
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