OB1 Mesa Boogie DC-5 w/ Fortin 33 Full Rig

Full Rig / Combo Capture


obijuan's avatar


23 days ago


This past week I made a new Neural Amp Modeler capture using the Mesa Boogie DC-5 boosted with the Fortin 33 pedal. The Fortin 33 really cuts the flub out of this amp and makes way more useful for me. I've been boosting with the TC Spark, but the Fortin 33 does something special. I made a full rig capture and DI so you can use your own IRs. I used the Full Rig capture in the demo. Check out the isolated guitar tracks and backing track after the demo. Play with the gain knob to get the desired level of saturation.


0:00 / 0:00


Each model captures the gear at specific settings.


License: T3K

Users may download and use the data file in software and publish the resulting outputs without royalties or restrictions. However, they may not upload, republish, or distribute the data file without the author's permission.

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