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Obi-Juan's EVH 5150 High Gain 1

Amp Head Capture


obijuan's avatar


10 months ago


Hello there 馃憢 For this demo I used my EVH 5150 III 50 Watt Amp with the TC Spark Booster in the clean mode. I used the actual amp in the demo and then captured the settings for Neural Amp Modeler. Hope ya'll like it 馃 If you guys like what I do, please don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel, comment and like. I appreciate being a part of the NAM community. Chain Details: Epoch: Standard 1000 Reamp box: Radial Reamp Pro-RMP (Modded for unity gain) Load box: Suhr Reactive Load Reamp Reference Level: 13.3 dBu Interface: Focusrite Clarret+ 4pre I do this because I enjoy it and found a good group in the NAM community, but if you insist on donating then: PayPal.Me/theobijuan 馃榾


0:00 / 0:00


Each model captures the gear at specific settings.


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