Palmer 2X12 G12M-65 Creamback - Shure SM57
IR Capture

16 months ago
In May 2015, I bought myself an empty B-stock Palmer 2-12 Cabinet that I loaded with my favorite Celestion speakers, The 65W Creamback. Broken in? More than that! Made in England, these bad boys have seen plenty of concerts, been on multiple stages, the cab was soaked in sweat and beer flying around, pure rock n roll fury. As of today, it still remains intact though, tender love and care, deserved rest in the studio, 'til next gig. Bassy, agressive, a bit of the mids you need. I've recorded 24 impulses tagged like so with my Shure SM57 unidirectional dynamic microphone: CNT (dustcap) : 2.5cm 5 cm 15cm 30 cm 60 cm + 2.5cm 5cm and 15cm at 45° MID (between dustcap and edge): 2.5cm 5 cm 15cm 30 cm 60 cm + 2.5cm 5cm and 15cm at 45° EDGE : 2.5cm 5 cm 15cm 30 cm 60 cm + 2.5cm 5cm and 15cm at 45° Blend them as you like, or not :) you're the master of your tones! Recorded with a Solid State Logic SSL2+ interface. Rendered with Voxengo Deconvolver. Normalised at -0.3dB. Have fun :)
Makes and Models
Palmer 2X12 G12M-65 Celestion CreambackPreview
Each model captures the gear at specific settings.
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