Pipp's 50K Test-NAMs (5150III+MXR-M77 Amp DI)
Amp Head Capture

41 days ago
I created some models for others to test - this is using the latest & greatest "50K" input test compared to the original input wav-file ("STD"). Unfortunately, the download link for the 50K Input file has gone missing, and I do not have any permissions to upload. Both tones are trained on ToneZon3000.com with ~1000 epochs. The 50K is pretty much 9.4dB louder in volume than the STD., please bear in mind and compensate for that. Reference value is +10dBu, but I personally like to set it manually to +6dBu, as I think the captures themselves sound the best at that spot. IMO: Testing via tone sweep generator show a clear distinction between 50K and STD, but in practice, it does not really matter at all. Using the 50K, yes, there is a MINIMAL difference vs. the STD., but definitely not worth losing any sweat over it. I for one will, for future packs, continue sticking to the standard training file. Linked below my original video on this.
Makes and Models
EVH5150 III 100W Ivory + MXR Custom Badass Modified O.D.Preview
Each model captures the gear at specific settings.
ESR: 0.0228
Epochs: 1000
Captured on
ESR: 0.0194
Epochs: 984
Sweep Signal
Captured on
License: T3K
Users may download and use the data file in software and publish the resulting outputs without royalties or restrictions. However, they may not upload, republish, or distribute the data file without the author's permission.